Settling the score

I think gardening must be contagious. After laughing about her “black thumb” for years, my friend Ruthanna has suddenly decided she wants to be a gardener. Though a skilled pianist and incomparable music teacher, Ruthanna has never really learned to play in the dirt.

Green and gold

Ruthanna and I spend a lot of time together, usually with me hovering over the piano keys and her patiently correcting, gently nudging and even occasionally shouting out loud in praise (or horror or disbelief). So when we switched roles, I knew it was time to settle the score as I began teaching her all about the joys and challenges of gardening and she started looking at me with a slightly dazed look. It was a fun and funny experience for both of us.

Lenten Rose

Ruthanna had a blank page, a yard with only grass and foundation shrubs so she was happy with anything I brought her. We talked about soil and sun and watering, the three major keys to gardening, and a few minor elements such as color, grouping and mulch.

It only made sense to share with her things that do well in my own garden so I dug and potted and filled my car with lenten rose, Solomon’s seal, Japanese painted fern, green and gold, and blue phlox for the shady areas. Black eyed Susan, Japanese aster, bee balm and summer phlox are for the sunny spots.

Japanese painted fern

Together we incorporated a lot of soil conditioner into her red clay, then carefully transposed the plants from the car to the garden beds. Some things looked a little wilted and may not make the transition, others looked as if they had been there all their lives.

It’s such a thrill for me to share plants. Many of the plants I gave to Ruthanna came from my mother’s garden. I know that when I walk through Ruthanna’s yard and see these plants thriving and blooming, it will make me think of my Mom and how happy she would be to see what she started.

Ruthanna’s new “garden” in the Old Fourth Ward.

We ended on a high note . Even newly planted, the composition looked lovely. But I know that the success of Ruthanna’s garden will depend on her. The key to a well tuned garden is diligence and practice – and a good friend to share it with.

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Pete Temko
Pete Temko
5 years ago

Really clever, Laura!!! So much fun to read. I admire you both a lot as you know! Happy planting, transposing and watering..though not the piano, I guess. Have fun.