A week in the ‘shelter’

One of the good things about sheltering at home is that I’m spending almost all day every day outside. I never knew my garden was so versatile, but take a look!

Saturday night date site. Crystal and good china and my sweetie in the garden with take – out from our favorite Italian restaurant.
Sunday morning meditation.
Monday morning office space. This week I finished writing and illustrating my book, A Naturalist’s Book of Wildflowers, but more about that later!
Tuesday morning yoga studio.
Wednesday mask-making workspace. (Let me know if you need masks!)
Thursday therapy session – it’s lovely to be able to weed a path and have control over something!
Friday game room! Jack won (again!)

My mother used to say that sunshine was good for whatever ails you. Not only is my shelter my garden but my garden is my shelter as well. Just looking at all the exuberant life in my garden makes me feel better. I hope that all of you are spending time outside, soaking up the sunshine. Mama’s right, It’s good for whatever ails you.

Stay safe. Be healthy.


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Diana Coogle
4 years ago

Lovely space for activities all week long!