I have always considered myself a “back yard” kind of gardener. I love the peace and solitude, the hours of alone time that the back yard provides. Which is why, during these unusual days, as soon as my gardening day begins, I run out to the FRONT yard!!

We live in a neighborhood that’s good for walking and during the last few weeks, our street has become like a pedestrian mall. People! I love people! I love just seeing their masked faces, their awkward distance from one another, their dogs peeing on my flowers, it doesn’t matter. I’m just glad to see humanity streaming by in front of my garden.

I wave and chatter, call out to neighbors, compliment people on their babies and their dogs…….all of which is a little out of character but who IS in character these days? In between the chatter, I weed and move things around, spread pine straw, build cages to keep out the squirrels, clip, prune and enjoy the sunshine.

We’ve all had to make adjustments, especially the kids. My granddaughter’s 10th birthday was last week and her mother organized a parade of 13 cars to drive past with music blaring, horns honking, balloons and gifts thrown out the car window. What a fantastic use for my front yard!

Though I still love my cool, shady quiet back yard, I’m grateful for the busy excitement of the front. And who knows….. maybe I’ve just become a front yard kind of woman!

Your front yard is gorgeous!
Thanks, it gets a lot of attention these days!