These paintings were all done using ONLY homemade paints from plant parts – petals, roots, berries. You can use this paint to do fine art. It will fade some with time, especially if you put it in direct sunlight but the paints offer a palette you just can’t find with commercial paints. Enjoy – and have fun!

Endangered plants of the Southeast
The following paintings are illustrations for my upcoming book, Imperiled Beauty, the Endangered Plants of the Southeastern U.S. (University of Georgia Press, spring 2027)
These watercolor paintings are done on white paper with commercial water color paint. The black background is painted in after the images are complete.
Paintings such as these images are for sale by commission only in the following sizes: 8″ x 10″, 9″ x 12″ and 12″ x 14″. Contact me for more information.

Florida Torreya

Whorled Sunflower

Fringed campion, Silene cataesbi

Dwarf sumac

Alabama leatherflower

Relict trillium

Quillwort, black spored

Hairy rattleweed



American chaffseed

Persistent trillium

Tennessee Yellow-grass

Cooley’s meadowrue