
When my grandson, Rivers, told me that moonvine was his favorite flower, of course I fell all over myself to grow it for him. Now 15, Rivers is not the constant companion he was for me during the first decade of his life so I’m always looking for ways to engage – and please him. Moonvine? I’m on it.

I started them from seeds last spring, carefully nicking each hard seed and soaking them overnight to maximize germination. Success! And a lot of it. I chose to put the vines on either side of the front walk where they get the maximum amount of sunlight. I knew that they would need support. Being of the frugal sort, I bought some thin poles to build a small, basic arbor for the vines that would eventually grow rather than buying an already made trellis.

I was pretty excited when the vines began growing vigorously by late June. Yay! They looked so happy and healthy. And robust. And strong and aggressive. And a little scary. The vines soon completely covered my homemade trellis so I had to go out and buy trellises after all. But no problem! It was worth it, Rivers was going to love this.

Another month and these, too were covered with vines with long tendrils waving in the air like snake heads. But by now I also started seeing buds and I envisioned sitting quietly with Rivers on an early evening, both of us watching in awe and wonder as the moon flower went from bud to open blossom in a matter of minutes. Maybe he’d even want to bring his girlfriend! Maybe he would want to have a moon vine party and invite all his friends!

By early August I was thrilled to see the first blossoms. Five to six inches across when fully opened, they look like giant morning glory blooms, with good reason. They’re in the same genus and look very similar, only differing in the time of bloom.

I thought about calling Rivers but I knew if I waited that soon I would have a dozen or more blossoms putting on a show that would knock him off his feet and impress him so much he’d never forget it. So I waited. And waited and when finally I counted 15 buds that I thought would open that night, I called Rivers.

No answer.

So I texted Rivers.

“Rivs!!! The moonvine are ready!! Can you come see them tonight?”

Long, long, long wait then a text……..

“What’s a moon vine?”

WHAT??????? What’s a moonvine? No sitting in awe and wonder? No girlfriend? No moon vine party?????

After a long, long time, I finally texted back.

“Your favorite flower. Remember?”

No answer. I Sighed. And sighed again. But what did I expect? I’ve raised teenagers, I KNOW what they’re like.

I put down my phone and went outside to watch the magic all by myself. But, much to my awe and wonder, Rivers and his Mom were sitting in the front yard.

Rivers looks at me, “Where’ve you been? You better hurry. They’re about to open.”

I didn’t answer, just hugged him and sat down to watch the show. Teenagers! They’re just full of awe and wonder!

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Ruthanna McAlister
2 years ago

OH hahahahahahaha!!!! Best botanical + human nature blog yet. ❤️❤️❤️