Outdoor Life

Jack and I love to entertain, particularly during the holidays. For reasons too obvious to even mention, we knew that this year was going to look different and of course, it did. We began preparing early and in the fall, purchased two outdoor heaters and a fire pit, all of which were put to very good use during the past month.

Though we usually host a large gathering of old friends at Christmas, this wasn’t the year to do that so instead, we had couples over one at a time to sit on the front porch and share a meal. For safety – and culinary – reasons, we generally picked up food from a local restaurant and I set up the porch so that each couple had their own little world.

With separate seating areas and heaters, we could comfortably sit 6 or 8 feet away from one another, close enough for conversation but distanced enough for safety. I have to say that even though I love a crowd, I may love the intimacy of entertaining just another couple even more. Conversations were deeper, longer and more meaningful and I came away from the season knowing and loving my friends even better.

Santa, actually a “onesie” stuffed with plastic bags, brought lots of gifts but even more good cheer.

The firepit proved to be the perfect focal point for some raucous family gatherings. One cold night, all the kids and grandkids came over and we built a large fire, put a grill over it and cooked sausages and hot dogs. I made baked beans (from scratch), cole slaw and chocolate chip cookies and everyone agreed that it was a spectacular family gathering.

My sister and I hoped that the “thunk” of the corn hole game wasn’t disturbing neighbors as we played late into the night by the light of the Christmas decorations.

Last night my sister traveled down from Blue Ridge so we could (finally) celebrate Christmas together and of course, we were on the front porch. As we sat, far into the night sipping wine by candle light and sharing memories, I thought, why would anyone want to be inside? We were toasty warm with our own personal heaters, wrapped up in fuzzy blankets and warm socks. A year ago, it never would have occurred to me to eat outside on a chilly, damp December night. But this year? We were wrapped in this silver lining, grateful for our health and our love for one another.

I hope that the New Year brings you good health, happiness and lots of time outdoors!
