I love native plants. I am actually quite passionate about our natives. But in mid-summer, when my stargazer lilies are in peak performance, I am very grateful for these cultivated beauties from Asia.

There is nothing shy or subtle about these lilies. Once they begin to bloom, usually around the middle of June in Atlanta, they simply take center stage. After growing for the past 15 years, the bulbs must be the size of melons, as they continue to bloom exuberantly.

I know that these Asiatic hybrid lilies are supposed to have at least 8 hours of sun, which would then produce stout stems that would top out at 4 feet. But, I planted them in the back where it’s a little shady and they stretch for the sun. Some of them are almost 6 feet tall now. But, being so tall and spindly, they need staking, particularly when they are laden with blossoms as they are now.

Lilies are native to the Tigris Euphrates Valley where they have been cultivated for over 5000 years.
Lilies were considered the symbol of Venus, the Roman goddess of love and beauty and, according to the Victorian language of flowers, the lily is a symbol of majesty.

In my own garden, the lilies are a symbol of joy unleashed, of an exuberance for life that can’t be contained. When I go out at night to gaze at the stars, their scent fills the evening air, reminding me that that the garden, truly is a miracle.
Your garden is such a showplace!!